• Longevity

    The oldest person who ever lived was Jeanne Calment who lived till 122 years old.

  • Elizabeth Blackburn

    Elizabeth Blackburn discovered if you inject Telomerase into some cells those cells become immortal.

  • Telomerase

    What is Telomerase

  • Telomeres

    One reason that our bodies start to age is the shortening of our telomeres.

  • DNA

    What is DNA?

  • HGP

    The Human Genome Project

  • Senescence

    What is Senescence

  • Oldest People

    The World's Oldest People




Hi, my name is Lars Berg. One of the things I love and one of the most quirky things about me is that I love to learn about Telomeres. Telomeres are fascinating. One reason that our bodies start to age is the shortening of our telomeres.

DNA and You

Will we figure it out in our lifetime? Is it diet or genetics or a combination of both that cause one persons body to age quicker than anothers? What's the secret to our DNA is it just a code that we can understand and program or is there more to it that we don't yet understand.

DNA and Immortality

Elizabeth Blackburn discovered if you inject Telomerase into some cells those cells become immortal.


The oldest person who ever lived was Jeanne Calment who lived till 122 years old. Is it possible that her telomeres started out longer than a normal human being?

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